Salmon is a delicious, lean fish that is rich with protein and omega-3 fatty acids and can help you lose weight quickly.
Greek yogurt is not only a delicious breakfast food, but it has also been scientifically proved to aid in fat burning.
Dark chocolate is loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate the metabolism.
Broccoli and its relatives are extremely high in fiber and nutrients that maintain the body burning fat.
Nuts, and almonds in particular, are an excellent source of magnesium and healthful fats.
One University of Birmingham study found that men who drank green tea extract before a workout burnt 17% more fat.
A high-protein breakfast with substantial eggs helps lose weight.
With approximately 234 calories and 20 grams of fat per fruit, avocados are not a natural 'go-to' when attempting to burn fat and shed pounds.