In contrast to pepperoni and sausage, pork tenderloin is a lean cut that can aid in weight reduction.
Rich in protein and healthy fats, salmon can help you feel fuller and reduce cravings.
Pistachios can help you feel full, resulting in eating less food at one sitting and less hunger between meals.
Vegetables like cauliflower are high in fiber and low in calories, making them a great food for weight loss.
Low in calories and high in fiber, leafy greens such as spinach can help you feel fuller and reduce your caloric intake.
Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats, making them a filling food that can help reduce appetite.
Greek yogurt is a rich source of gut-healthy probiotics, in addition to its high protein content.
Raspberries are low in both calories and fiber. One cup of raspberries contains 64 calories and about 8 grams of fiber.