Best Pizza Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: Supreme Pizza

You're an Aries, so of course you're self-assured, brash, and even a little bit fiery. You have boundless energy and will go far in life.

Nothing is impossible if you apply a little ingenuity and a lot of willpower. Your preferred pizza should, therefore, feature all the works.

Taurus, have a taste for the elegant and refined, that doesn't mean you can't appreciate a tried-and-true classic every once in a while. 

Taurus: Sausage Pizza

It's typical of you to order a simple pizza like sausage and pepperoni and then give it your own special twist once it arrives at your house. 

The sweet and salty flavors of a Hawaiian pizza are a delicious and unexpected way to celebrate your duality.

Gemini: Hawaiian Pizza

You have a thoughtful, analytical side that belies the stereotype of the gregarious Gemini. 

Cancer: Classic Pepperoni Pizza

You're very caring and sensitive, and you prefer being around individuals who make you feel at ease.

Cancers are the only zodiac sign that chooses a traditional pepperoni pizza as their go-to comfort food so they can constantly be reminded of their foolish youth.

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