Coffee For You, As Per Your Zodiac Sign

Individuals born under the sign of Aries are eager to take on new challenges and eager to get started on the day's work the moment they press the snooze button. 

Aries: Macchiato

The macchiato would be the perfect counterpoint to their forceful personality.

Taurus: Cappuccino

When it comes to taking care of yourself, no other earth sign is more representative than the Taurus.

A cappuccino, which is rich, comforting, and visually appealing, would be perfect for them.

Gemini: Flavoured Cold Brew

Geminis are the socialites of the zodiac, always aware of what's happening in the world of entertainment. 

They need something sweet and refreshing to help them maintain conversation and awareness of current events.

Cancers are homebodies, at ease in their own environments. They prefer sugary, decadent tastes to sharp, bitter ones.

Cancer: Latte

Lattes are mild and sweet coffee beverages made with frothed milk.

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