Foods That Contain MSG

L-glutamic acid, a naturally occurring amino acid required for the synthesis of proteins, is the source of MSG, a widely used taste enhancer (2).

What is MSG?

Fast food

Some eateries include MSG in a variety of well-liked meals, including fried rice.

Chips and snack foods

Some of the chip items that contain MSG include consumer favorites like Doritos and Pringles (10, 11).

To give foods like stews, tacos, and stir-fries a salty, savory flavor, seasoning blends are utilized.

Seasoning blend

Frozen meals

A quick and inexpensive method to put food on the table, frozen dinners frequently include MSG.

MSG is frequently added to canned soups and soup mixes to enhance the savory flavor that consumers love.


MSG is added to meat products like a sausage in addition to being used to improve flavor in order to lower the sodium content without compromising flavor

Processed meats

MSG is added to meat products like a sausage in addition to being used to improve flavor in order to lower the sodium content without compromising flavor


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