Meat is delicious, satisfying, and a great source of protein. Despite the claims to the contrary, eating red meat.
The egg is one of the most adaptable foods available. Eggs are a cheap and versatile source of protein that may be used in a variety of ways.
Fish, like meat and poultry, is a great food choice because it's high in protein. In addition, oily or fatty varieties are high in potentially healthful omega-3 fatty acids.
Vegetarians and vegans can find protein in beans and other legumes.
Due to their high fiber content, some research suggests that eating more legumes could help improve insulin resistance and lower cardiovascular disease risk.
Although legumes are a good source of protein, they do not provide enough of the nine essential amino acids, and their protein is more difficult to digest than that of animals.
Greek yogurt is the best option. The liquid whey from yogurt is strained out to make this thicker, protein- and carbohydrate-rich variant of yogurt.
In one study, participants who snacked on yogurt that was higher in protein felt fuller and less hungry than those who snacked on yogurt that was lower in protein.