Lemon is advantageous to the moon, the planet that rules Cancer.
For heartier fare, he suggests making handmade skillet breakfast potatoes in the style of a diner the night before.
Lemon is associated with Mercury, the Virgo sign's ruling planet, therefore lemon muffins or Greek yogurt with lemon curd.
Will keep your mind sharp," so you should add it to your cereal, smoothies, or the tops of baked products (like these muffins!).
Venus rules the sign of Libra, so those who are in this sign should have apricots for breakfast because of this.
"You could add corn to your eggs — scrambled with fresh corn, goat cheese, and tomatoes is very good,".
Venus controls Taurus and a variety of fruits, making it advantageous for your sign.
Grain waffles topped with banana or blackberry, or some avocado toast.