Onions help flavor renal-diet foods without salt. Sautéing onions, garlic, olive oil, and herbs adds taste without harming kidneys.
Bell peppers are low in potassium but high in vitamins A and C and antioxidants.
Chicken breast without the skin has less fat and iron than chicken breast with the skin.
Cabbage is a cruciferous veggie that gives you vitamins, minerals, and compounds that fight free radicals.
Bulgur is a whole grain wheat food that is better for your kidneys than other whole grains that have more potassium and phosphorus.
Olive oil is good for you because it has vitamin E and is mostly made up of healthy fats. It also has no phosphorus, which makes it a good choice for people with kidney disease.
Buckwheat is a whole grain that has a low amount of potassium. It also has fiber, magnesium, iron, and B vitamins.
Garlic is a tasty choice to salt because it adds flavor to food while also being good for you.