Leo and a pioneer of pop art drowns in the tomato soup he made famous.
The tomato soup was the company's initial product, and they car's bright red and orange hues are meant to pay honor to this fact.
The wontons in this traditional soup were originally employed as a transport for medications, making it an appropriate dish for this healing-focused earth sign.
When it comes to caring for others, Virgos are just as skilled as their Cancer relatives, while being less emotionally vulnerable.
Getting to a scorpion's core requires time, therapy/necromancy, and multiple loyalty tests.
Caramelizing onions for this rich, black, curative soup that is the alchemy of simplicity takes a similar amount of time and care.
Sopa Azteca, or tortilla soup, hails from Mexico and serves as a lesson on the Sagittarius traits of ingenuity and optimism.
This soup, spiced with dried chiles, is a metaphor for the unpredictable fire of this sign, as it gives stale tortillas a new lease on life and a baptism in fryer oil.