Superfoods to Add to Green Smoothies

The avocado is unique among fruits and vegetables in that it contains monounsaturated fats.



Blended with banana and the tropical flavors of pineapple and coconut to create a sweet and delectable smoothie.


Cucumber Cucumbers, which are 95 percent water, have a high potential to help you stay hydrated.

Herbs are commonly used to improve the flavor of dishes, but are often left out of green smoothies. That's a shame, because there are many positive effects from using fresh herbs.



Kiwi contains about as much vitamin C as a medium orange, making it an excellent source of nutrients.

Smoothies benefit greatly from the addition of spinach due to its soft texture, mild, somewhat sweet, and earthy flavor.


Matcha Matcha is a plant-based green, yet it is neither a fruit nor a vegetable.


It contains a powerful antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which some studies suggest may have anti-cancer effects.

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