Mars, the planet associated with Aries, is also linked to many other strong spices (including allspice, chili pepper, cumin, coriander, curry, and many more).
Aries should choose spicy breakfasts, advises MacGuire.
Venus controls Taurus and a variety of fruits, making it advantageous for your sign.
Grain waffles topped with banana or blackberry, or some avocado toast.
Such as "a yogurt or shake with almonds or something that goes well with oranges, which are also attributed to Mercury.
To add variation, try cooking a large pot of oats or chia pudding and changing the toppings every day.
potatoes with lemon rosemary melting Lemon is advantageous to the moon, the planet that rules Cancer
For heartier fare, he suggests making handmade skillet breakfast potatoes in the style of a diner the night before.