Pisces should definitely treat themselves to a really big, healthy breakfast since they are more likely than any other sign to become.
Consider choosing a fish-forward breakfast since two fish swimming in opposition are the symbol of the Pisces sign.
As an air sign, Aquarius, MacGuire advises eating beans because "they're linked with air." For a meal with lasting vitality.
Aquarians with overactive minds may also benefit from mint tea, as mint will give them mental clarity.
Capricorns "would be particularly good for breakfasts with potato, rhubarb, turnips, beets, or corn.
Eating organic foods "will ground you and help you tend to your tasks methodically and purposefully.
Carrots are said to be good for your eyes and are connected to fire (Sagittarius is a fire sign).
Sagittarius is an archer in a metaphorical and spiritual sense, so they need good eyesight to assist them strike their goals.