The longest-lived dogs

Miniature Pinscher

Their high levels of energy and protectiveness make them popular, and their prancing movement has made them a household name.


The Whippet is a medium-sized dog with a comparatively long lifespan. These dogs were bred specifically for racing, but their laid-back.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a friendly, outgoing dog that seems to get along well with everyone it encounters.


These sociable, medium-sized dogs get along great with kids, other pets, and even dog-friendly cats! As high-energy canines, beagles require regular exercise.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature schnauzers have a reputation for being headstrong, but with the right kind of training and socialization.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian cattle dog, often called a blue heeler, lives much longer than other dogs of its size.

Shiba Inu

These canines are not for everyone because to their independence and stubborn nature. 

Yorkshire Terrier

They exhibit terrier qualities including strong guarding instincts and a noisy disposition, yet being devoted and friendly with their families.

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