If you're a Pisces, you'd give just about anything to be in close proximity to the water. You are a passionate homebody, though, so Cape Cod architecture speaks to you.
This beach cottage is a famous example of the style, with its wooden shingles, side-gabled roofs, and waterfront deck.
It's no secret that Aquarius-influenced people adore the concept of a home that stands out from the crowd.
You're concerned with issues like reducing your environmental impact and adopting a lifestyle that's in tune with the natural world.
Capricorns understand the significance of the statement made by one's residence.
And because a Capricorn appreciates the finer things in life, like stability, wealth, and tradition.
The phrase "the more, the merrier" might be considered the motto of Sagittarius.
A Sag would probably like the fact that American South shotgun houses maximize the number of homes per lot while yet providing each family with ample living space.